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How to Make Your Guests Feel Welcome at Christmas

Are you expecting guests this Christmas? Many of us throw open our doors at Christmas to family and friends and entertaining can mean a lot of work for the host. There are some simple tricks which will always make your guests feel very welcome and can also share the burden of work.

* Most guests will welcome some kind of “work”, or directions for help so don’t be shy about asking people to contribute to housework or bring something for the Christmas dinner. Why not ask your guests to bring the first course, or cheese and biscuits for example?

* Flowers in guest bedrooms always make the place feel cheerful. Put clean towels at the foot of the bed. A nice touch is to add books and magazines your guests will find interesting and relevant, and give your guests the Wi-Fi code.

* Make sure the room is warm enough and that there are spare pillows and blankets available.

* And finally, for help with your housework and preparing your home for guests, Maid Simple’s range of effective cleaning products will make short work of the task.

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