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The simple way to temper chocolate for easter eggs

The supermarkets are full of Easter eggs at the moment. What if you want to make your own?

For the budding chocolatier, there’s huge satisfaction to be derived from creating your own chocolate egg. All you need is a mould (available from specialist cookware shops), good quality chocolate, a pastry brush and gloves.

To make your chocolate egg look wonderful, you should temper the chocolate as this creates a glossy finish. You will need a sugar thermometer and about 300g of dark chocolate.

Break the chocolate up into even pieces and place 200g of it in a bowl. Set the bowl over a pan of simmering water and allow to melt slowly, stirring gently until the chocolate melts. Take the bowl off the heat and wrap a tea towel round it to keep it warm. Add the rest of the chopped chocolate and stir. You now have tempered chocolate.

BBC Good Food offers a thorough but straightforward guide to making your own Easter egg, with the recipe for a button egg here.

The Good To Know website has instructions for making an egg which doesn’t require a pastry brush, as you tilt the mould to coat it with the chocolate.

Enjoy making your Easter Eggs and remember to post the pics to our Facebook page if you do!

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